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GenieRefmt 2.2.1 Info
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Text File
174 lines
GEnie Reformatter v2.2.1 Documentation
Please distribute this text document along with the GEnie Reformatter,
when you pass it along to your friends and associates.
This favorite utility quickly reformats a GEnie file listing, from two
lines of text per file, into one line of text per file. This enables
you to load the file listing into your database program of choice,
whereupon you can sort and search to your heart's content, using the
powerful features of your database program, and without burning up
connect time doing it. You may specify which fields are to be copied,
how to separate them, and the creator signature of the output file.
Your preferences are remembered between uses.
Just for the record (I've had people ask), I use OverVUE to manipulate
the reformatted file lists. It's really fast! And no, I haven't
upgraded to Panorama — I'm waiting to accumulate enough registration
fees to be able to afford it!
Registration Info
This program is distributed as SHAREWARE! It is not free, or public
domain. You must pay a user registration fee of $5.00 in order to
legally keep and use this program!
I am trying to avoid the hassle and expense of commercial advertising
and distribution, by making this program available through the
shareware “try before you buy” route.
Please note the three (3) day trial period. There's nothing
complicated about this very popular and useful utility, no tricky
features it would take time to master. You should know immediately
whether you'd rather send the money, or trash the program.
To register your copy of GEnie Reformatter, send your check or money
order for $5.00 to:
SK Hushing III (GEnie Reformatter 2.2.1)
PO Box 9745
San Diego, California 92169
Your cancelled check will be your proof of registration.
Thanks in advance for showing the consideration and honesty to become
a registered user.
License Agreement
Please read the following license agreement carefully.
This program is distributed as Shareware. It is NOT "Free" or "Public
Domain". You are hereby licensed and encouraged to give this program
to others at no charge. You may not sell it, charge for distributing
it, or distribute it along with a product you sell, without my written
permission. You must not modify the program or screens in any way.
The title, contents, cover, and manner of presentation are fully
protected under the laws of the United States. Copying, decompilation,
or reproduction, except in accordance with the policy stated herein,
is forbidden without the written permission of SK Hushing III.
The program is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind. You
assume the entire risk as to the results and performance of the
program. SK Hushing III will not be responsible for, and will be
indemnified against, any loss or expense arising from the User's use
of the information (including claims and suits for libel) derived from
the application of this program, without limitation.
In addition, no guarantee or warranty of application is expressed or
implied for this program or any parameters derived therefrom,
including, but not limited to, errors and omissions, implied
warranties of merchantability, and fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall SK Hushing III be liable for any damages whatsoever
(including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits,
business interruption, loss of business information, and the like)
arising out of the use of or inability to use this program, even if
SK Hushing III has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Implied warranty is limited to the direct cost and not for any
indirect or subsequent damage due to loss of business or profits. The
User or User's agent(s) assume all risk and liability without
These terms and conditions shall be construed and governed in
accordance with the laws of the State of California.
Update Policy
A note to registered users of GEnie Reformatter versions 2.0, 2.1,
2.1.1, and 2.2 --> Thank you for your support! You may consider
yourself registered users of version 2.2.1 also, without any
additional registration fee.
Sorry, but the registration fee is too low for me to mail out updates.
Usage Hints
• First, create the file to be reformatted: While on GEnie at the
prompt for the software library of your choice, start your terminal
program capturing to a text file, then ask for a GEnie file listing.
At press time, this would be item 2, 3, or 11 on the Software Library
menu. Don't worry about any extraneous text in the captured file.
GEnie Reformatter ignores any lines that don't match a special
template. Once you've captured all the file listings you want, stop
capturing to the text file. Continue with your GEnie session, etc.
After you've logged out, then…
• Run the GEnie Reformatter. After the introductory window comes up
(have you sent your $5.00 yet?), click in the window to make it go
• Next select "Preferences…" from the File menu, and select your
preferences. I usually have it copy the file number, name, date, size,
and description, with tabs for delimiters, and EDIT for the output
file creator. BBS SysOps have a special flag available to them on the
file listing, and they can set it up so that the SysOp flag appears
either before or after the file number field. The preferences will
remain set that way until you set them again.
• Next select "Open and Reformat…" from the File menu, and select a
file to reformat. GEnie Reformatter will create an output file by
appending “.FMT” to the input file name, then will copy the file with
the reformatting options you specified. If you want to reformat
several files, just repeat this step until you're done. Use of the
command-o keyboard equivalent will speed up the process slightly.
Version Information (latest version first)
Version 2.2.1 fixed a bug which caused the wrong fields to be copied
under certain conditions.
Version 2.2 recognized files with a 1991 upload date. It also allowed
you to create an output file with columns of data separated only by
spaces (file type SDF for you Foxbase users).
Version 2.1.1 recognized files with a 1990 upload date, and used a
slightly faster method of testing each record against the template.
Version 2.1 stripped leading and trailing spaces from each field, for
a smaller database, and was the first version to remember preferences!
Version 2.0 was a LightSpeed™ C rewrite for speed — in fact, it was
about an order of magnitude faster, and it also allowed you to specify
your preferences for the reformatting. Roughly ten times faster, and
one third the size, with more features. Not bad.
Version 1.0 was written in Microsoft BASIC, and automatically copied
the file number, name, date, size, and description to the output file.
Even though it was compiled, it was pretty slow, due to heavy use of
the BASIC string functions which are none too quick. For what it did,
the application size was pretty large, too. Blame the BASIC runtime
library for that.
If you have questions, or suggestions, or <gasp!> find a bug, please
let me know. A note enclosed with your registration payment is most
likely to get my attention.
Otherwise, my GEnie mail address is SHUSHING.
Speaking of support, thank you in advance for yours!